If we were in a court of law would you be judged ‘Guilty!’ for giving quality referrals? Would your business colleagues say the same thing of you? In today’s rush, rush, rush society it can be difficult to slow down enough to invest the time to put all the ingredients together that make a quality
Partnering with a VA 101: Why Fit Is Crucial
What comes to mind when you look at the picture? Closing a deal before you board, troubleshooting an IT issue, confirming a meeting? If you are a VA client it may bring to mind the many conversations you've had with your VA as you travel. As the VA to many road warrior clients I've had countless
Considering Delegating? Got Angst?
Summer is coming to a close and business is in a flurry! In the upcoming weeks I'm speaking to two groups on the topics of time management and is a VA the right fit for your business. Both of these speaking gigs will incorporate delegation tips. If you are like most super successful business
Partnering with a VA 101: Taking Ownership
When you think of that person who relishes being a partner in your business who comes to mind? Is it the team member who shows up late and goes home early? Of course not! The person who comes quickly to mind and brings a smile to your face is the one who has a great attitude and is willing to roll
Brilliant Business Owners Need VAs
Are you a new or perhaps seasoned VA who is, at times, intimidated at how smart your clients are? I was early on in my career and every once in a while I have those thoughts. Perhaps you've thought 'They are so smart, why do they need me and why would they want to hear what I have to say?' If you
Partnering with a VA 101: Delegate These Tasks To A Virtual Assistant
Experienced business owners know they cannot manage all the roles and tasks in their biz AND expect it to grow. They delegate all tasks that are not a good use of their time. This frees them up to focus solely on the tasks they enjoy which generate revenue. The above may sound like a no brainer